Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day Homes vs. Daycares

Pre Connor I was an advocate of the day care system. I liked the organization of it, the regulations, multiple care providers, etc. Post Connor, my opinions were altered on care providers and I leaned toward the day home care due to the one-on-one attention and more intimate atmosphere. Today, I truly believe that the appropriate option is based on the child and the specific facility. Until yesterday, I was lucky enough to have Connor in the most amazing day home where the woman loved him unconditionally and understood his sleep issues and never made a big deal about them. I could not have been happier with the care. Due to problems with her ex-husband, my day home lady has been temporarily suspended until the agency can fully understand the situation and ensure that the children are safe. It feels like my life has come crashing down...yes, a little over dramatic...but this woman loves my child and I truly feel like she cares for him in a way that I could only hope to find in a care provider while I am at work. I'm looking into temporary care at day cares, and I think Connor will enjoy aspects of it now that he is older, but he is so sensitive that this truly scares me. The agency provided me with names of other day homes that can do back up care but that terrifies me because I don't know them and they did not come recommended by a friend. I'm sure everyone has this fear and perhaps, if I go and interview them, this fear would dissipate but right now I am anxiously awaiting the call to let me know how long they expect the suspension to last. Even with that I have mixed emotions because although I truly believe that she is the best person to be caring for my child how can I be sure that it will remain a safe environment if her ex has gone a little crazy??? I was up all night thinking about that. I don't think that the man would ever harm any of the children but I also don't want Connor exposed to any potentially ugly situations. And at the same time Connor loves our day home provider and she is amazing and I hate to keep him away. I guess this is a risk of the day home that I had never previously considered. The care can be there one day and gone the other whereas if you are at a daycare they can replace workers. If anyone reading this is in Calgary and knows of a day home or daycare that they truly love and may have a temporary space...I would love and appreciate the feedback.

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