Friday, June 22, 2012

Traveling with Babies

Most parents experience huge anxiety at the thought of traveling with infants and toddlers. It really isn't as bad as most of you, who have avoided traveling for that reason, think . When Connor was an infant we did a few trips and I can tell you that I personally found it very easy to travel with an infant (minus all the things you are trying to lug along!). Here are my tips for traveling with an infant:

1. Bring a nursing pillow for the plane - The sound of the plane will put most infants to sleep and rather than uncomfortably trying to hold them, you can lie them on the pillow on your lap and then you are also in the position to nurse them (or bottle feed them) if they start to fuss.
2. Bring a bottle, nursing cover or soother (if you use one) - If the baby does fuss on the way up or down the sucking will stop their ears from hurting (Connor never had an issue with his ears but some do)
3. Bring a good stroller - We always brought our nice big stroller. It got a little banged up but not bad and it was worth having it with us. If you're really worried about it getting banged up then you can purchase a stroller bag. We did that once but just found it too much of a hassle. We bought a very high end stroller and I find it amazing that when I go into the baby stores and say we bring it with us on trips they tell me I shouldn't...I bought it to use we definitely use it!
4. A change of clothes - My boy would have nice big explosive poops at the most inopportune times!
Traveling with a toddler (under 2 and on your lap), in my opinion, is harder than an infant because they don't want to be held still. Connor has been on a range of trips from short flights (1 hour propeller plane) to 3 hour international flights. The items that we have used for these flights include:
1. IPad (Connor can unlock, pick video, pick his cartoon and press play - and this will occupy him for a good hour!)
2. Leash (Yes, I've used one of these!! When flying by myself, I put this on him and put the leash between my legs to hold on to him while I'm folding up the stroller. You'll get lots of looks if you put your child in squeaker shoes and they're trying to get away and running on the spot!!!)
3. Snacks! Pack a variety! And of course a sippy has always been good with me and let me bring it through filled with milk although I don't think they have to let you do that when they're over a year.
4. Car seat bag - Now that it is checked luggage, and you don't have it with you like the infant seat, I bought a nice bag to put it in so that it doesn't get filthy and has some protection.

I think that covers the basics of the items I considered necessities for traveling (Yes, I consider the IPad at the top of my necessity list now...sad but true! Connor is obsessed with the IPad and I'm no longer allowed to use it.)

Happy Travels!! And don't let anyone tell you that you can't travel with may be a different kind of trip sometimes...but you can still do almost all of the same things!

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