Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Go The F*&k to Sleep!

Have you read the book? Best book in the world! The book was written by Adam Mansbach. When his daughter was two, she would take up to two hours to fall asleep, which led to the book. Connor is only 19 months and lately bedtime takes approx 2 hours or longer so this is one of my favorite books. My big sis sent it to me for Christmas last year (Sleep issues have been ongoing since the beginning). Sleep is such a sensitive topic because the people who have the good sleepers always seem to make the conclusion that you have done something wrong..."Maybe you didn't put him down enough"..."Maybe you should have let him cry for longer"..."You shouldn't let him nurse to fall asleep"...come on! When you are sleep deprived and your baby refuses to sleep you'll do anything to get them to "Go the F*&k to Sleep"!!! I've read so many books on baby sleep habits it is ridiculous. When Connor was about 6 months Chris came into the room to check on me (I was supposed to be having a nap and he heard a loud noise). I had taken the baby whisperer book and chucked it against the wall and was in tears. It was taking me an hour and a half of rocking, putting him down, picking him up, rocking, patting, etc to get him to have a 20 minute nap!!! This was happening twice a day for about a month...I was losing my mind! At 7 months I had given up on the various books and had pulled him into my bed to sleep with me where he would nurse for 10 minutes and have a nice 2 hour nap during the day...everything with this was wrong according to the books but it was the only thing that worked for my little monster! Every book was telling me I was a bad mom for doing this...until I got the Dr. Sears book. I love that book because it describes Connor and worked for me (even though most people judge and the looks I get when I say he's in my bed are like I'm giving the kid a glass of rum to go to sleep or something!). For all those new moms...use whatever methods work for you! I like the idea of the baby whisperer but that wouldn't work for Connor...worked for some of my other friends and I will definitely try again with the next one but for Connor the only and best sleep method was to co-sleep...and not even that is fool proof...hence the long drawn out bed times! But I am lucky because he is super happy even when he is over tired. When I'm trying to cuddle him to get him to relax and he puts his little sweaty hand on my face and says "momma" I think that there is nothing better in the world than to have my happy non sleeping baby snuggling me in MY bed!

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