Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heartbreak and Cuddles

There is nothing more heartbreaking than having to walk out of the door in the morning when your toddler doesn't want to let go and has been up most of the night ill. It is gut wrenching. Connor was sick two days ago and then his nose started running yesterday and he was up all night having trouble breathing through his nose which would wake him up. He thought he should get to watch toopy and binoo at 1am. Poor little man. Usually he is asleep when I go to work but I opened the bathroom door to mommy calls and there he was standing in his little monkey pj's with his rabbit in one hand and a sippy of water in the other looking at me like I had abandoned him! It was horrible and only got worse when it was time to go. I ended up leaving half an hour later than normal because I'd try and leave and he'd start to sob so I'd sit and cuddle him and tell him I loved him but I have to work. The horrible guilty feeling of leaving was only enhanced when I read my monthly update email from Pampers on 23 months that had a section on giving your child lots of love and cuddles when they aren't feeling well. Can't wait to get home for cuddles...

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I want to sweep him up in my arms just from your description! So heartbreaking! Hopefully, he's feeling better now and getting lots of pampering from his number one lady!
