Friday, August 3, 2012


Most of us have that one family member that creates angst and stress. When you are in the process of growing your own immediate family what is the best way to deal with these members of your family? Ignore them, push them out, embrace them??? I don't think there is a "right" answer. I think you need to approach it in a way you are comfortable and able to. There is no easy answer because even when you push the person out of your life to avoid the stress of the situation on yourself and your little one it is always going to be in the back of your mind. There comes a time in our lives when we need to be responsible for our actions, regardless of what life has thrown our way or what issues we need to overcome. As parents we need to learn to let go and let our children grow and develop into their own people which can be especially difficult when our children face more difficulties than normal. We all want our children to know they are unconditionally loved but sometimes conditions of that love has to be put in place for their greater good. I hope more than anything in the world that I will never experience that in the way I have watched others face. I think it takes a lot of strength to put those conditions in a relationship whether it is for children or parents. I am incredibly lucky to have a great support group of friends and sisters (as well as a frustrating husband;-) ).

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