Friday, October 12, 2012

Busy, busy, busy....

I think its a standard North American answer to "How are you?" - "Good but busy!". Our lives just seem to disappear. I envy Europeans and the more laid back attitude on life. I can't seem to get half the things done that I need to do and I'm a fairly organized person. How do others do this work/parent thing? I get to work at 7am (so I can handle day care pick up), usually end up working through lunch (because we're busy!), rush out at 3:45 to get to the day home at 4:15, go home, cook dinner, run after a toddler playing or swimming or at Gymboree class, and then hopefully cuddle him to sleep at 9:30. Somewhere in there I do laundry, the dishes and all your normal household stuff. Now we are into birthday season for my prenatal class so I have one or two birthday parties a weekend for the month, plus Halloween and the Gymboree party as well as Connor's 2 year photo shoot. I need about 5 more of me to handle this!!! But I'm not alone so how the heck do you women do it without getting cranky by Friday!?!?! Maybe I'll pack up my family and move to Europe and see if I can adapt to the lifestyle?!?!?!

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