Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Swim Lessons and Urinals!

Swim Lessons and would think that the two would be separate topics, wouldn't you??? I thoroughly enjoy watching my husband go out of his comfort zone...which I'm sure he appreciates! Swimming lessons started on Monday and all seemed to go fairly well, minus the fact that Connor would see other things he wanted to do during the lesson and I could occasionally hear him give his dad hell for not letting him go do whatever it was he saw. Most of the lesson was smiles, so successful. At the end Connor played in the kiddie pool for a while and had a great time. When he decided that climbing in and out was the best part is when it was time to go. Chris causally asked if I wanted to take him to get him, thanks! So grudgingly Chris and Connor disappeared into the change room. I was waiting at the doors for them to emerge from the change room...when they walked out I could immediately tell something had happened. Chris had a lopsided smile on his face and was looking guilty and Connor was grinning ear to ear and looked very pleased with himself. Apparently while Chris was changing Connor ran around the he pulled up his shorts and went after him, only to find him elbow deep playing in the urinals. The looks on their faces were priceless and all I could say as I started to giggle at Chris's now mortified expression was..."did you wash his arms?"

How do germaphobes handle being parents??? I admit, I was bad in the beginning and I still have my limits but the things toddlers eat, play with, some point don't you have to shrug and go with the old age "what doesn't kill them makes them stronger"??

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