Friday, May 18, 2012

May Long Weekend

Thoughts of May Long bring to mind drinks, camping and parties...I'll admit, I was never a big party girl, but that is still what thoughts of May Long conjure up. I am totally and completely consumed by my little monster these days and my thoughts for the long weekend include Gymboree, TommyKPlay, wagon walks and backyard play! And I don't think I have ever been more excited for weekends! ( my beautiful sister south of the border...I am a dork...BUT a very happy one...while thinking of the weekend anyway!)
One of my good friends emailed me with the following "On my list of to-do's is catch frogs, catch newts and build a fort! What a grown-up girl I am!". What a great way to live life! I hope everyone has great weather and enjoys the time with their little ones (or has a great time planning for their arrivals!!). HAPPY LONG WEEKEND!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Belated Mother's Day!!

Happy VERY belated Mothers Day to everyone (including those beautiful mothers-to-be)!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their special day! I received the cutest email with quotes...these were my favorites:

"Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to her child-rearing questions in the books. That somebody never had a child stuff beans up his nose or in his ears."

"Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child will "turn out good." That somebody thinks a child comes with directions and a guarantee."

Those quotes remind me that I have so much to look forward to!!! At the moment just sticking a finger up the nose is amusing! So many mothers think that they did something wrong when their child develops issues...I would like to tell those moms that you can only do so much and at that point you need to let your child venture out on their own and how they proceed is no reflection on your abilities. (Much easier said than done...I can only imagine...and yet I hope those moms realize it at some point!)

I had a fantastic mother's day. I was a little under the weather so Connor and I cuddled and had a long nap together and then we spent the afternoon with my father-in-law at Heritage Park at the Day out with Thomas the Train event. I definitely recommend that outing for toddlers. What a great day with horse and carriage rides and a 20 minute train ride. Connor decided to throw his new Thomas hat out the window of the train so my father-in-law was forced to run into the "no-entry" section to retrieve it! I love mother's day as a day to reflect on how lucky I am to have such a crazy, wonderful, little monster!

Monday, May 7, 2012


It never ceases to amaze me what we will pay for pieces of plastic and how much research can go into the purchase. My husband and I must have looked crazy with the IPhone out doing research on wagons while standing in toys-r-us pulling each wagon off the shelf to pull Connor around the isles to see how smooth the wheels were and how well it turned (really...does it even's a wagon!). As we started to narrow it down, we had to take the wagons for multiple trips around the store...decided that an umbrella or cover was mandatory for our whiter-than-white baby and then started to research wheel was all kind of ridiculous! In the end, rather than purchasing an ordinary wagon we left with the mercedes version...Radio Flyer Ultimate Family Wagon...5 way seating, 4 cup holders and a tent-like canopy to keep the little white baby out of the sun. It really is amazing to what extent parents go to when purchasing a simple plastic toy!

On a purchasing side not...I wasn't aware that had a version for older just bought Connor two pairs of DC Shoes. YES, I have a problem!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Planning for Summer Weekends...

Now that the weather is starting to improve I'm planning all the summer adventures we can have with Connor now that he is more mobile! Annual passes always make a great purchase if you plan on getting out a lot with your little one. We currently have a Calgary Zoo annual pass that we used enough to pay for itself multiple times over and will likely renew again this summer. Another fun pass is for Calaway Park...these are on sale right now for cheap...and if your baby is under 2 they are free!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Great websites for new moms

So I had a bit of a online shopping problem while I was on mat leave and thought I should share these two websites with the new or soon-to-be new moms! You can get some great products at great prices!

Piece of advise...try and remember what you order! ;-) My favorite was when a bunch of stuff I had forgotten about all arrived on the same day and my husband came back from the mailbox with 4 packages and a look that said "What the h&ll have you been up to?!?" I was like a kid on Christmas opening them and saying "Wow! I forgot about this!"...I was much more impressed than he was!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Infants...a true blessing...and a whole new world of gadgets.

It feels like everyone around me is pregnant or struggling to get pregnant. Many of us hit our early 30's and it seems to preoccupy our beings. After numerous conversations on infants and baby products (and after the toy sale on the weekend...that would have been great to go to if I had an infant but not so good for a toddler) I am writing this blog for the girls who want opinions on baby products...since I've purchased most of the products available! Here is my list of items that helped me survive a new baby...

1. bouncy chair - I could not figure out how to shower with a baby before I purchased one of these...and then I went and bought another one for the main floor so that I could have my coffee in peace!

2. swing - what a wonderful invention...we had the fisher price my little lamb cradle swing and it was fantastic!

3. play mat - it is amazing how fascinated infants are with a few things dangling down at them and this is great for tummy time

4. nursing cover and glamour mom nursing tanks - I'm not a hang it out there girl and when that baby wants to nurse (mine has a high pitch shriek) it is time to pull her out! I loved the glamour mom nursing tanks because I found them comfortable and easy to use (still wear them to bed). The nursing cover I liked best was the one with the wire at the top so that you could look down at the baby...Connor liked to pull the cover off so if I could see him I could save myself and anyone around me the flashing.

5. exersaucer and jumperoo - two fantastic items to get for around 6 months cause they are safe and occupied (and the jumperoo will wear out those busy babies!)

6. co-sleeper - if I had known that I would have ended up with a baby in the bed I definitely would have bought one of these! By the time I could actually admit that I was sleeping with him he was too big!

7. diaper genie - amazingly simple, fantastic invention...basically a special garbage can with a lid so that as those poops start to stink your whole house won't! (Although with some poops nothing helps and it just needs to be taken out! LOL)

8. Sophie the giraffe - an expensive version of the dog squeaky toy...and worth every dime! I don't know how many teeth this helped Connor with but he would drool and chew and squeak everywhere we went.

9. bumbo seat - This was fantastic for Connor because he loved to be able to see what was going on and this assists them with sitting long before they can actually sit on their own. Connor loved to watch me make dinner while sitting in his bumbo.

10. receiving blankets - a not so fun staple for a spitter. Connor was a big spitter so I went through probably 15 of these little cloths a day whether I had it on my shoulder while I was burping him or putting them under him while he was lying on the floor or using it to wipe a big puke off of the floor. As much as this isn't as fun a product as the others I thought it was important enough to include...although a lot of my friends didn't have spitters and never used was a staple in our household!

I'm missing a lot of great products but these were some of my favorite, most useful items.